We have compiled for Tropisphere fans a list of news and articles written by us over the past few years, so that you can be as informed as possible about buying and selling Costa Rica real estate.
We will continually add new material and try to update the old articles as laws and circumstances change here in Costa Rica.
Each article includes a comments section, and we’d LOVE to hear from you there. If you have a question, write it there and we’ll answer it, since other readers may have the same questions. If you’d like to contribute an article of your own, contact us with your idea.
Thanks for reading, and allowing us to help you make your dreams come true here in Costa Rica.
By Nina Biskup Just like other coastal villages, Santa Teresa started as a remote fishing village until in the early 1990s the first low budget tourists started coming here. Due to the beautiful gold-grey beaches and the world class surf conditions it became popular very quickly and now Santa Teresa is a booming travel destination ...
If you live here or have visited Costa Rica, then it’s highly probable that you’ve heard of Malpais! I am not talking about the popular beach town on the Nicoya Peninsula, no, I am talking about the world famous Costa Rican band dubbed (in tribute to the beach) ‘Malpais’! Malpais as a band was born ...
One of the charms of this place that never ceases to astonish me, even after two years, is watching the Howler monkey crossing among the jungle. Walking the hill everyday gives me the opportunity of looking at them close enough to admire their perfect, beautiful faces, the lines in their hands and feet, the expression ...
And a very good one: Montezuma welcomed the second semester of the year with a brand new hill paved, with railing and lights! After many months, meetings and steps by the Chamber of Tourism of Montezuma –CATUMO, its acronym in Spanish- the hill to Montezuma was set by CONAVI as an urgent route to be ...
Are you planning your next holiday trip to Costa Rica? Why not rent a vacation house? Costa Rica is a very unique holiday destination and unlike some other touristy tropical countries, Costa Rica has been over developed with large hotel chains especially on the Nicoya Peninsula making it a perfect reason to rent ...
Montezuma is a mellow beach village located on the Pacific side of Costa Rica and a perfect holiday destination for those wanting a bit of everything: relaxation, adventure, beach, wildlife, good dining and shopping options. The main attraction in Montezuma is the waterfall. There are actually 3 waterfalls, the last one being the biggest waterfall. ...
Are you looking for your next holiday destination? Look no further, whether you are a couple, family with young kids or teens or a group of friends, Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, is the perfect spot to enjoy a memorable vacation. Santa Teresa has quickly become a favourite holiday spot in Costa Rica. There are two ...
Once again the communities of Cobano and Montezuma have witnessed the progress of the SINEM Montezuma Orchestra’s students. The occasion marked the closure of the Music Camp. The Music Camp takes place for a week during the school holidays at the end of the first semester, 4th of July, and at the end of the ...
by Geoff McCabe The name of Escazu comes from the indigenous voice ‘Iz-Kat-Zú’, which means ‘place to rest’. It was a strategic rest-stop located between Aserrí and Pacaca. In 1907 it obtained independence from Santa Ana province and in 1920 the government of Costa Rica granted San Miguel the title of “Escazú City” as the capital of Escazú ...